Thursday, July 15, 2010

Last Post

Well, we got home last night around 7:30. I was so tired, I couldn't sleep. I traveled 4,226 miles. It is still taking a long time to unwind from all of the excitement of a vacation. I was thinking last night that I enjoyed laughing and being with my parents. My favorite sight was the herd of buffalo, although I must say having them surround the car was a little frightful. Those beasts are hugh!! I also liked the Laura Ingalls Wilder homestead. It makes me imagine what life must have been like way back then.
Some of the places had the funniest names like

Whao and Go
The Butt Hut
Kum and Go

They really are the ones that stuck in my mind.
I enjoyed writing this blog and it will be a great to come back to it time and time again in order to refresh my memory. I hope that you enjoyed the trip as well!

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